sabato 27 settembre 2008

a rainbow after the black-out!!!

... after about 6 days of internet black-out, finally I have my web connection again... and here is one of my latest creations... RAINBOW... a little shrug made by a wonderful soft wool yarn, with the colors of a stunning unexpected summer rainbow (blue, red, purple, old gold), knitted with a unique lacy pattern... all edges are finished off with crocheted borders... a gorgeous accent to any outfit!!!

un arcobaleno dopo il black-out!!!
... dopo circa 6 giorni di internet black-out, finalmente ho di nuovo la mia connessione internet... e questa è una delle mie ultime creazioni... RAINBOW... un piccolo scaldaspalle realizzato con una bellissima e soffice lana con i colori di un meraviglioso ed inaspettato arcobaleno estivo (blu, rosso, viola, giallo oro), lavorato a maglia con un punto traforato... con i bordi rifiniti all'uncinetto... un accessorio particolare per qualsiasi tipo di abbigliamento!!!

8 commenti:

Lidia Luz ha detto...

Ale, dear...
This criation is so beautiful, gorgeous! And colorful!!! As usual I loved it!!!
Thanks, kind friend...and a big kiss and baci.

Meg ha detto...

I love it! beautiful job! what kind of yarn is that? it looks soft yet warm :)

Miss Mish Mish ha detto...

That is so beautiful! It really does remind me of a rainbow... teh colours are fantastic!

eneyna ha detto...

Veramente bello ... solo a quardarlo riscalda il cuore e non solo!
Brava !

Memories for Life ha detto...

Wow...six days with out internet! It looks like you put your time to great use! Love the looks so soft and I just love the colors!

my blog ha detto...

well i love rainbows

dog training

PurrPrints ha detto...

Wow, I absolutely love this...I'll be surprised if this doesn't sell in the first few days of it being listed in your shop--it's truly amazing.

Mod Provisions ha detto...

This is really beautiful!